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Position available: Post-Doc @ Princeton University, USA

The Nectow Lab of the Princeton Neuroscience Institute at Princeton University is looking for a talented postdoctoral fellow to conduct research in mouse systems neuroscience. We have recently discovered novel cell types in the brainstem that potently regulate food intake and energy expenditure, and we would now like to better understand how these neurons contribute to the maintenance of energy balance.

Techniques frequently used by the lab are: optogenetics, chemogenetics, molecular profiling, mouse behavior, electrophysiology, viral tracing, stereotaxic surgery. Significant experience with at least two of these or similar approaches is required.

We are looking for potential postdoctoral fellows who have funding for an international position. If you are interested in this position, please contact Dr. Alexander Nectow ( Please provide a recent CV, information on research interests, and a list of three potential references.

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